MFC Global Conference for Media Freedom (9 Feb. '22)

The International Media Policy and Advisory Centre (GFMD IMPACT) is hosting two side events at the Global Conference for Media Freedom in Tallinn, Estonia on the afternoon of 9 February 2022.

Date: 9 Feb 2022

Time: 12.00-15.45 EET - Eastern European Time

Venue: Small hall/ Väike saal, Tallinn Creative Hub (Tallinna Kultuurikatel), Põhja puiestee 27a, 10415 Tallinn

Registration: To participate in these sessions please register for the Global Conference for Media Freedom.


  • Centre for International Media Assistance (CIMA)

  • Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)


  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (BZ)

  • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

  • United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (UK FCDO)

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


12.00-12.30 - Buffet lunch

12.30-14.00 - A sustainable and viable future for journalism – designing effective interventions

14.00-14.15 - Coffee break

14.15-15.45 - Renewing the principles for effective media support

A sustainable and viable future for journalism – designing effective interventions

Date and time: 12.30-14.00 - 9 February 2022

Venue: Small hall/ Väike saal

Format: Hybrid - online and in person. The event can be accessed by registering for the conference here. A direct link for the session will be shared closer to the meeting. This first session will also be broadcasted on the conference YouTube channel.

Moderator: Tom Law, Head of Policy and Learning, GFMD

Welcome: (12.30 - 12.35)

  • Zoe Titus, Chair of the GFMD and Director of the Namibia Media Trust

  • Guilherme Canela De Souza Godoi, Chief of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Section, UNESCO

What we know from practice? (12.35-13.10)

Introduction: Mira Milosevic, Executive Director of GFMD


What we know from research? (13.10-13.45)


Discussion and Conclusions (13.45-14.00)


  • Mary Myers, External Research Associate, University of East Anglia

For more details about this meeting see our literature review here:

Renewing the principles for effective media support

Date and time: 14.15-15.45 - 9 February 2022

Venue: Small hall/ Väike saal

Format: Hybrid - online and in person. The event can be accessed by registering for the conference here. A direct link for the session will be shared here closer to the meeting.

Moderator: Nick Benequista, Senior Director, Centre for International Media Assistance (CIMA)

Opening remarks (14.15-14.25)

  • Dr. Bahia Tahzib-Lie, Human Rights Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (BZ)

Introduction (14.25-14.40)

  • Justin Williams, Governance Adviser, Freedom of Expression and Media Development at Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK FCDO) / Co-chair of the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC) media development working group

  • Marc De Tollenaere, Policy Analyst Governance, OECD

  • Mark Nelson, media policy advisor (& former CIMA Director)

  • Ivana Bjelic Vucinic, Programmes and Project Manager, GFMD

Donor and intergovernmental perspectives (14.40-15.15)

Practitioner perspectives (15.10-15.40)

Discussion & next steps (15.35-15.45)

For more details about this meeting see our briefing paper here:


As with previous GFMD IMPACT meetings these sessions will bring together media support donors, practitioners and academics to discuss for an open discussion to further understanding and knowledge sharing.

For more information about GFMD IMPACT see:

GFMD IMPACT Supporters

GFMD IMPACT's core supporter: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Supporters for the GFMD IMPACT sessions at the Global Conference for Media Freedom in Tallinn, Estonia: DW Akademie and Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Project support for GFMD IMPACT:

Core supporters of GFMD:

  • National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

  • Open Society Foundations (OSF)

Last updated