GFMD IMPACT pool of consultants
Are you a researcher, analyst or an academic who works in media development field and would like to co-operate with GFMD IMPACT team? Please apply below
GFMD IMPACT consultants are engaged on an ad hoc basis to work with GFMD IMPACT team and produce summaries, relevant research, provide insights, knowledge and analysis to inform strategy, programme, project design, as well as implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of media development and journalism support initiatives.
The pool of consultants will work on building an evidence base to demonstrate the impact of media support, and gain insights into what works, what doesn't and what shows promise.
How does the GFMD IMPACT consultants pool work?
GFMD IMPACT created a database of consultants and reaches out to those consultants working in relevant fields with proposals to conduct research, compile literature review, produce briefs, analysis and summaries depending on the needs and in following occasions:
in preparation for GFMD IMPACT donor, practitioner and academia learning meetings;
to respond to specific GFMD IMPACT Help Desk requests;
or for other GFMD IMPACT related project research.
How to apply?
Please use this form to apply and send us your resume.
What do we ask/offer consultants to do
Consultants are asked/offered to perform one or more of the following tasks:
Conduct research
Prepare relevant literature reviews
Conduct interviews as needed
Present main practical findings from the research
Present overview of approaches for a media development topic or a theme
Prepare policy recommendations
Prepare recommendations for media development and journalism support practitioners, academia, and donors and funders
And other tasks based on requests GFMD IMPACT receives via Help Desk.
The themes are analysed taking into consideration:
application of different approaches in media development and journalism support programmes
effectiveness of media development and journalism support programmes
relevance of the research findings for media development and journalism support
the learning needs of media development organisations
Last updated
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